Managing Tickets & Payments
Learn how to refund, change, delete, and approve tickets and payments in the organizer's tool.
In case the Payment add-on is not enabled on your event, please contact
The event owner and the main organizers are able to manage participants' payments. An overview can be found in the organizer's tool in the Payments section.
Each payment has a status, indicating the phase in which the participant is currently in.
Pending |
The pending status means that a participant has not yet made any payments. This can occur if the participant selected "Bank Transfer" as their payment method, or they skipped the payment
Paid |
The paid status means that a participant has made a payment via credit card or PayPal, or that they paid via bank transfer and you manually confirmed their payment.
Free |
The free status means that a participant did not have to pay for the ticket because they selected a free ticket or they had a promotion code for a 100% discount.
Refunded |
The refunded status means that you automatically refunded the participant's credit card payment .
Waiting for approval |
This status indicates that a participant has registered, but cannot pay until you enable payment for them. This status only appears if the Payment Approval feature is enabled.
No |
This status means that the participant does not have any tickets or payments associated with their profile. This usually appears when organizers create profiles manually.
Payments and their statuses also appear on the Participant list in the organizer's tool. They can be accessed through the participant's profile.
By clicking the blue "Edit Payment" button, you can make the following changes:
- Add a payment
- Change the participant's ticket
- Add another ticket
- Add a promotion code
- Change their payment status
- Change their billing information
- Delete their payment
However, not all payments can be edited:
- You cannot edit payments with "Paid" and "Refunded" statuses.
- You can edit all fields except for Payment Method.
- When changing the status to Paid, you need to provide the actual date when the payment was made.
- You can edit the VAT ID or the country field, regardless of the payment status. However, the amount paid will not be changed.
Confirming Payments
When Bank Transfer is enabled as a payment method, you need to manually confirm a participant's payment each time they transfer funds to your account.
To do so, go to the participant's payment and click the "Confirm Payment" button.
This will automatically change the payment status from "Pending" to "Paid".
Alternatively, you can go to the Payments section and click on the one you want to confirm.
Change the payment status by clicking on the dropdown menu and select "Paid".
Make sure to click the Save button in the lower right corner.
Payment Refund
In case a participant cancelled their participation, or if they bought the wrong ticket, you are able to give them a refund.
Refunds work differently depending on the payment method used by the participant.
For payments made via bank transfer, you cannot refund the participant through b2match. You can mark their payment as refunded and then transfer the funds to their bank account manually.
For payments made with a credit card, refunding will automatically take funds from your Stripe account and transfer them to the participant's bank account.
Full refund
Find the participant on the list and click the Payment tab.
Click the "Mark as Refunded" button. A window will pop up for you to confirm this action.
Alternatively, go to the payment record and change payment status to Refunded.
Make sure to click the Save button at the bottom.
After the refund, participants will be able to download a new invoice, confirming the refund. For more information, check out the article Invoices, Pro Forma Invoices, and Payment Confirmations.
Partial refund
In case a participant overpaid their ticket, you are able to make a partial refund and give them back a portion of the total amount back.
To do a partial refund, access the Edit Payment screen through the Participant list or the Payments section.
In the payment status section, click on the dropdown and select "Refunded".
Scroll down to the refund section where you will be able to insert the amount of money you want to give back to the participant.
Make sure to click the Save button at the bottom.
Please note that the Refund button appears when the participants paid with the credit card, and the Mark as refunded button appears if the participants paid via bank transfer.
Deleting Payments
The event owner is able to delete payments in the following situations:
- if the event is in demo status;
- if there is no invoice ID (because the invoice is not paid or the payment has been refunded)
Please note that deleting existing participant payments is irreversible. Once the payment is deleted, it cannot be brought back.
To delete a payment, access it through the Participant list or the Payments page, and click the "Delete Payment" button.
A window will pop up for you to confirm this action.
Approving Payments
When payment approval is enabled, participants are not allowed to pay until you click the Enable payment button in the participant's profile.
The participant will still be able to select a ticket during registration. However, they will be able to pay at a later stage, after you approve it.
In case you don't want participants to be able to make payments until you manually approve their registration, contact
To allow a participant to make a payment, go to the Participant list and click on the participant's profile. Go to the Payments tab and click the "Enable Payment" button.
After enabling payment, the payment status will automatically change to Pending.
Additionally, participants will see the message Please complete your payment in their profile.The participant validation process remains the same.
Participants will be notified that their payment is enabled via the Payment enabled automated notification which you can find in Messages - Notifications.
Participation types should not contain details about ticket prices.
For the participant, the participation type is the concept which differentiates them from other participants and enhances the matchmaking (buyer vs. seller, startup vs. investor).
For the organizer, participation types are used to group participants in order to distinguish them in the system and to apply booking rules. All in all, the participation type is a concept helping differentiate participants and should be separated from the tickets and tickets price.
Encourage promotion codes usage rather than free tickets.
This will avoid the participants’ tendency to choose free or low-cost tickets and will give the organizer the ability to better control the payment process.
Use invitation links and hidden participation types to provide special prices or free tickets to certain participants.
b2match offers you a variety of options that you can use to manage different participant types. You can easily hide participation types in the event configuration.