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Inviting Guests to 1:1 Virtual Meetings

How to invite guests to 1:1 meetings

Guests such as colleagues or interpreters, who are not necessarily registered participants in the event, can be added to the previously set meetings. 

If you're an organizer and want to add registered participants to 1:1 meetings, read more here.

Inviting guests during the meeting

A guest can be invited to a bilateral meeting through the link available when accessing the virtual meeting.

  • Start your virtual meeting by clicking on Meet in your Meetings tab
  • Click on Invite guests to generate the invitation link  

  • Send the invitation link through email or chat. Once the guest copy pastes it into their browser,  they will access the meeting.

Inviting guests before the meetings starts

If you would like to send the link prior to the meeting start, follow the steps below.

  • Go to Meetings
  • click on the three dots and select Invite guests option in the meeting's panel

    v6 - invite guests
  • copy the link
  • send your invitation link to your guests
  • at the agreed time join the meeting

The link you shared is unique and it is generated once the meeting is scheduled. You can use it again to invite additional guests.

When guests are added this way, the meeting will not appear in their agenda, even if they are registered for the event. The system will not prompt for their names, as they will always be recognized simply as Guest.

Registration, Agenda, System Recommendations

  • the guest doesn't necessarily have to be registered for the event in order to access the meeting via the invitation link
  • up to 5 guests can be invited to the 1:1 meeting, without affecting the video and audio quality, which is guaranteed for a total of 5 people per meeting
  • installing the latest browser version is recommended, but not always necessary
  • using devices with a webcam is recommended, but not necessary, the meeting can take place in audio mode only.