Company Managers
A Company Manager is the participant who registered first with a company thus created the company's profile, and is able to create representatives and manage their attendance and meetings. All members of the company will have the Company Representatives page under My profile.
Creating Representatives
The Company Manager is able to create representatives and manage their attendance and meetings.
Company Managers can create Company Representatives.
In order to create one, follow the next steps:
- Click Add Representative button on the Company representatives page
- Add the representative's first name
- Add the representative's last name
- Add the representative's job position
- Add the representative's email
- Add the phone number (optional)
- Define whether the representative is a Company Manager by ticking the Participant is a company manager box
- Define whether the representative participates in matchmaking by ticking the Participant participates in 1x1 meetings box.
Finish creating the representative's profile by clicking on Create representative.
Editing Representatives
The Company Manager is able to edit representative's first name, last name and job position, phone number and change the setting whether this person is a company manager.
Other information such as email address and attendance type cannot be changed by the company manager. The representatives themselves can change these settings when being logged in to their profiles.
Learn more about participants changing their attendance types on hybrid events
Impersonating Representatives
The Company Manager is able to impersonate representatives which allows them to manage their profiles. This includes editing their profiles, changing their attendances and booking meetings with other participants on their behalf.
- Click on Company representatives
- Choose the participant you want to impersonate and click on Impersonate user
Company Managers as seen by the event organizer
When the Company Representative feature is enabled, organizers also have the view per organization in the organizer's tool.
Here, the organizers can see all the participants related to the selected company.
In the organization profile panel, in the Manager column, there is the possibility to define managers. If the box is ticked, it means that these participants have also the role of a manager.
Note that the participants with the role of a guest (Company Representations) cannot have the role of a manager.
Additionally, in the organization profile panel, the organizers can add other participants as company representatives and assign them the role of a Company Manager.
The role of a Company Manager can be disabled at a later stage, by simply unticking on the box in the organization profile panel (Participants tab in the organization's profile panel). Then, the participant in question will only have the role of a member.
After adding the participants, they are automatically visible in the participants per organization view: Organization - click on the organization, then the profile panel opens - Participants.
You can find the list of the participant's meetings in the participant profile panel and the organizations profile panel, in the Meetings tab.