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Configuring Opportunity Types

Once you've enabled the marketplace feature, it's crucial to configure the marketplace opportunities to match your participants' needs and the event's goals. This will ensure that your opportunities are accurately categorized and will be easier to filter on the event website. 

How can I configure opportunity types?

First, click on Configuration on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s tool.

From the Marketplace section, access Settings.

Here, you will see a list of all opportunity types.

To configure an opportunity, click Edit next to the desired opportunity type.


At the top of the screen, you will notice a toggle switch. By clicking on the toggle switch you can enable or disable a specific opportunity for your event.


Each opportunity type has specific fields conveying different information that need to be configured. These fields serve as a filtering option on the event website.  

Click on the Add button to include more fields. If you wish to remove a field, click Delete.


Configuring Product

In the Edit Product page, you will notice 2 sections.

In the Market Application Keywords field, define the area of expertise that a product is connected to. (e.g., Biotech, Microtechnology).

In the What are you looking for field, describe the type of cooperation the product needs (Distribution partner, publisher).


Configuring Service

In the Type of service field, specify the type of service your participants can offer.

In the Market Application Keywords field, type in the relevant area of expertise.


Configuring Partnership

In the What are you looking for field, describe the type of partnership a participant offers or seeks (e.g., development, consulting).


Configuring Project Cooperation

The Edit Project Cooperation page consists of 4 different sections: Project Stage, Topics, Calls, and Type of Cooperation sought.

In the Project Stage field, define the project's stage (early, planning, execution).

The topics and calls field are somewhat similar. Some organizers prefer to use topics, while others prefer calls. You can use both of them too, as it offers 2 filtering options from more specific to more generic.

In the Topics field, specify general call groups (e.g., Border Management).

In the Calls field, enter single dedicated calls for proposals. The participants will see those calls and offer their solutions. 

In the Type of cooperation sought field, specify the sought-after cooperation (e.g., research, sales/distribution, financing).


Configuring Investment Opportunity

In the Stage field, indicate the current project stage.

In the Markets field, specify the target market for the project (e.g., education, electronics, healthcare).


Configuring Expertise

The expertise opportunity allows participants to define their area of expertise.

In the Fields of Expertise section, type in the options participants can choose from for their expertise.


Configuring Request

The request opportunity enables participants to create specific requests.

You can enable or disable this opportunity using the toggle switch

Then, participants will describe their requests in the opportunity description on the event website.


Configuring Job Position

The Job Position opportunity type is primarily used for job fairs and is disabled by default. 

Click on the toggle switch to enable this opportunity type. This will reveal the Position section.


Click the Add button to create fields, where you can specify job positions the participants or organizations can offer.

After you configured an opportunity type, click on the Save button in the bottom left corner. 


Note: For multilingual events, configure names in all event languages using corresponding language fields marked with language abbreviations.

Once your opportunity types are set, participants can create their own marketplace opportunities. After that, the opportunities need to be validated

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.