Copying a Previous b2match Event
If you have previously planned an event with b2match and were the event owner, you can save time by copying your previous event settings and/or website. After that, you can make additional adjustments to your new event.
How can I copy a previous b2match event?
First, make sure you are actually allowed to copy the settings of the desired event. On your workspace, find the previous event whose settings you want to copy.
Click on the desired event and then on Organizers on the left sidebar. Search for your name and check if your assigned status is Owner. If you are the owner, you are all set.
If you are not the event owner, contact us and we will assign you the ownership. However, this is only possible if your organization has ownership, or you have approval from the event owner.
After confirming that you are the event's owner, the next step is to create a new event. Go back to your workspace and create a new event in b2match next.
Fill out all the mandatory fields with the required information to set up your event such as event name, URL path, topic, language, event’s start and end date, and time zone. For more information, read our article Creating a new event.
In the Copy previous event setup section, you can select between events for which you are marked as owner to copy the settings.
From the drop-down menu, simply select the event whose settings you wish to copy.
Note: It’s important to remember that only the events for which you were listed as the owner will appear on this list.
After selecting your past event, you will see 4 boxes underneath the drop-down menu. These represent the settings that can be copied for the new event. By ticking a box, you decide to copy the past event settings for this option.
Which event settings can I copy?
If you tick the Event Setup box, you will copy the following settings:
- Event information: website language, visibility rules, promotion settings and messaging settings
- Registration Settings: Areas of Activity, Participation Types, Organization types, Registration, and Visibility rules
- Marketplace: schema (whether the option is enabled or not), classifiers
Note: Participants' marketplace entries won’t be copied if you only tick Event Setup box.
- Feedback Settings: Questions and Meeting Ratings. However, actual feedback given by participants won’t be copied.
- Event Navigation: all the links and dropdown menus
If you tick the Agenda & Networking box, you will copy the following settings:
- Agenda: sessions and additional information about them such as description, location, limits and identifiers, and tracks
- Matchmaking Settings: Meeting Blocks, locations, time slots
Note: Keep in mind that old meetings won’t be copied.
If you tick the Website home page box, you will copy the entire design of your previous event’s website.
If you tick the Participants, organizations, and opportunities box, you will copy all your previous participants, organizations and opportunities that were available on your previous event.
The last step is to click on Create event at the bottom of the page.
If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.