Creating Event Survey
An event survey is used to gather valuable feedback from participants. It typically asks about their thoughts on the event's organization, what they enjoyed, and what they would like to see improved or included next time.
1. How can I enable Event Survey? 2. How can I create the survey questions? 3. What are the types of questions available in the event survey? 4. How can I reorder questions? |
How can I enable Event Survey?
First, click on Configuration. In the Feedback section, click on Event Survey.
Next, click on the toggle button to enable the Event Survey.
How can I create the survey questions?
The b2match platform provides default questions. Feel free to edit or configure them if they don't meet your requirements. Otherwise, you can create new ones.
Note: It is not possible to change the type of a question once it has been set up.
To add a new question, you first need to select the question type by clicking on the Select Question Type drop-down.
Once you click on one, you will be able to click the Add Question button.
What are the types of questions available in the event survey?
The types of questions you can add to your event survey are as follows:
- Single Choice (Radio Buttons)
A single choice question allows the participant to choose one single option out of multiple options. These options are displayed with radio buttons.
- Single Choice (Select Field)
A single choice question allows the participant to choose one single option out of multiple options. These options are displayed as a dropdown menu.
- Multiple Choice
A multiple choice question allows the participant to choose multiple options out of multiple options. These options are displayed with checkbox items.
- Single-Line Text Questions
A text question allows the participant to answer the question by adding a single line of free text. The maximum character number per text is 255 characters.
- Multi-Line Text Questions
A text question allows the participant to answer the question by adding multiple text paragraphs. The maximum character number per paragraph is 4000.
- Question Group
This question type is not a question per se, but a feature which allows the organizer to group certain questions together by adding a group title.
How can I reorder questions?
If you want to reorder the questions, simply drag and drop a question by clicking on the handler.
How can I request feedback from the participants?
Let the participants know that the feedback is enabled, as the b2match platform does not automatically alert the participants. You can let them know by sending them an outbox message.
Tip: Send out a test email to your own email address in order to see what it will look like. This way you can know what your participants will see.
Add your text thanking the participants for their participation to the event and explaining the reasons you need the feedback results usually helps.
Here's a feedback email suggestion:
Dear [add the FULL_NAME Variable here],
Thank you for participating in the [event name/event website link]. We hope that you met interesting people and create valuable partnerships from this event. May we please request that you rate this event. It will take 3 minutes of your time.
Your feedback helps us to improve our services in supporting your search for partnerships[Insert the Feedback action button or link here with the text: "My Event Feedback"] Kind regards The Event Organizer(s) |
How can I download the participant responses?
To export the organization related responses , you will need to go to the Export section.
Click on the button Prepare next to the Participants data.
Once the document is ready, click the "Download for X participants"
The responses will be located in the Feedback sheet in the Excel file.
If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.