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Creating Your Workspace

In this article, we'll walk you through practical tips to create and customize your workspace, streamline your workflow, and keep everything running smoothly. Let’s get started!

How can I create a workspace?

After signing up or logging in to your organizer account, you’ll be directed to the Workspace Homepage. Here, click on the Create Workspace button.

Create workspace button

This will open a modal titled Create New Workspace.

You can then customize the name of your workspace and set a workspace avatar.

Create workspace modal

Note: Ensure your workspace avatar is a JPG or PNG file and does not exceed 800 kB in size.

Once your changes are saved, the system will allow you to create new events by clicking the Create Event button.

Create event button (1)

Where can I manage the workspaces I am a member of?

After the workspace has been created, its name and avatar will appear in two places:

1. Workspaces in My account 

First, click on your avatar in the upper right corner. From the drop-down menu, navigate to My account. 

Next, head over to the Workspaces section.

Workspaces section

Here you will see the name and logo of your workspace. Since you created the workspace, you as it's owner, can transfer ownership to another member within the same workspace. 

Transfering ownership

If you are the only member of the workspace, you cannot leave it. In this case, you can invite other members or guests to the workspace and transfer ownership to them.

2. Top navigation on the Home page 

Clicking on the workspace name or avatar in the upper left corner will open a drop-down menu. This menu provides options for editing workspace details, managing workspace members and guests

Workspace dropdown

Note: The option to switch workspaces will only be available if you are a member of more than one workspace.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.