Editing Session Settings
When it comes to organizing a successful event, configuring session settings is a critical step that shouldn't be overlooked. This is particularly important when it comes to registration, as you want to ensure that the right participants have access to your sessions.
Read on to learn what else you can edit in the session settings.
How to configure session settings?
Begin by clicking on Agenda located on the left sidebar.
From the list of all sessions, locate the one you want to configure and click on it. This will open the Session info sidebar.
In the Session info sidebar, navigate to the Settings tab.
Here you will see three session settings you can configure.
What can you configure in session settings?
Registration rules
By defining registration rules, you can control who is able to sign up for a session based on their participant type.
To set a rule, simply select the participant type(s) you want to allow access to your session.
You can also make your session visible only to those participant types that are allowed to register for it.
To do this, simply tick the Private session checkbox.
Limit the number of registrations
You have the option to limit the number of participants who can sign up for a session, thereby specifying the maximum number of attendees who can add the session to their schedule.
You can easily control this by clicking the toggle switch and entering the maximum number of participants allowed in the Limit field.
Prevent overlapping
Enabling the prevent overlapping feature ensures that attendees cannot sign up for a session or networking block if it overlaps with another session they've signed up for.
If participants marked themselves as available for a networking block that takes place at the same time as a session they wish to attend, a modal window will explain that the session cannot overlap with other activities. The modal will ask for confirmation if they want to add the session to their schedule and mark the conflicting time slots as unavailable.
If the networking block only partially overlaps with a session, participants will be able to review which time slots are still available and which ones overlap with the session.
However, if participants already have a meeting scheduled during time slots that overlap with a session, they won't be able to add the session to their schedule unless they reschedule the meeting first.
To enable this feature, simply click on the toggle switch.
Mandatory Session
Enabling the mandatory session feature makes the session mandatory for every participant and is automatically added to a participant's personal schedule once they register for the event.
To enable this feature, simply click on the toggle switch.
Note: Be sure to click on Save after configuring the session settings to ensure that your changes are saved.
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