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Editing Workspace Details

Before editing your current workspace details, remember that only workspace owners have the ability to make such changes.

How can I edit workspace details?

If you are a workspace owner, click on the name and icon of your workspace in the upper left corner. 

This will open a drop-down menu from which you can choose Edit workspace.


In the Edit workspace modal, you can change the name and upload a new logo of your workspace.


After making your changes, click on the Save changes button

How can I manage the workspaces I am a member of?

To view and manage the workspaces you are a member of, click on your avatar and select My account from the drop-down menu.


Then, navigate to Workspaces on the left sidebar. 

Here, you will see all the workspaces you are the owner, or a member of. 


The tag next to the workspace name reveals if you are the owner or manager. 

If you wish to leave a workspace, simply click on the 3 dots next to it. From the drop-down menu, click on Leave workspace.


If you are the owner of the workspace, you must first transfer the ownership to another member and then leave the workspace.

How can I transfer workspace ownership?

To transfer ownership of a workspace to another member, first click on your avatar in the upper right corner and select My account.

Next, navigate to the Workspaces tab.

Here, you will see a list of all the workspaces you are a member of. Find the one where you are the owner, click on the 3 dots next to it, and select Transfer Ownership. 


How can I accept an invite to a workspace?

If someone invited you to collaborate in a workspace, you will see the request on this page, and receive an email notification.

Here, you can click on Accept to become a member of the workspace or decline the invitation. 


If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.