Website Editor

Website Editor - Adding Side Panels

Types of Panels

Go to Panels on the right side of the Website Editor. Choose the panel which you want to add to your page:

    • Organized By - add side logos of the organizers
    • Download Resources -  add documents which can be downloaded by participants from the website. The maximum size limit is 22 MB
    • Participants by Countries (country statistics) - add the list of countries on your website. Please note the panel will be visible only after 10 participants will register and will be validated by the organizers. 
    • Meetings - the number of meetings will be displayed on the website
    • Participants by Organization Types - display the list of the participants by organization type
    • Profile views - displayed once there are 100+ profile views 

v6 - side panel

Organized by

In order to add a logo for the Organized By side panel, choose the file you want to add from your computer, insert name in the Organisation name field and click on Add Logo.

Inserting website URL linked to the logo is optional step.

Click on Save and Publish.

v6 - organized by

Download resources

In order to add a file in the Download Resources side panel, choose the file from your computer, add a name for it in the field under Add File and click on the green Add File button.

Click on Save and Publish.

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Documents added in the Download resources section are visible and downloadable by all website visitors, including those who are unregistered.

Enabling Side panel

  • Enable the panel by clicking on the grey toggle button. Click on Save and Publish.

The side panel will appear once at least one panel is enabled.