Agenda: Live Streams

Assigning live stream to a session

Once you have created a live stream, the next step is to assign it to a session. Live streams are ideal for large audiences because they reduce the risk of disruptions and help prevent bandwidth issues that might occur during the event.  

How can I assign a live stream to a session? 

To assign a live stream to a session with the Live stream format, start by navigating to the Agenda section in the left sidebar and selecting Sessions.

Agenda - Session tabFrom there, click on the session you want to edit, and a sidebar will open on the right.

Navigate to the Format tab, and ensure the session format is set to Live stream.

Format tab

Then, in the Livestream field, select the live stream you have already created from the dropdown menu.

Livestream field

Once you’ve made your selection, click on Save.  

Save button

The live stream will now be linked to the session and ready for participants to access in the Agenda tab on the Event's Website. They will be able to join the livestream Session 10 minutes before it starts. 

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.