Copying a Previous b2match Event

How to copy a previous b2match event for the organizers

If you have already organized an event with b2match in the past and you were the event owner, you can save valuable time and copy previous events settings and/or website. Afterwards, you can make further changes. 

This article will guide you through the process in six steps.

1. Event ownership

Check if you are actually allowed to copy the desired event. You can do this by clicking on Past events on your organizer dashboard, then click the desired event and then on the Organizers tab. Find your name and check if your assigned status is Owner. If this is the case, you are ready to go.

If you are not the event owner, contact us and we will assign you the ownership (only possible if the past event ownership belongs to your organization, or you have an approval from the event owner).

2. Add basic event information

Go back to Events again and create a new event.

Here you simply need to fill out the requested information for the sections About event, Event description, Topic, Language, Time & place such as Domain & Website. You can find more information about that in our article Creating a New Event.

Please note that the system pre-fills the subdomain for your event (URL) based on the event title you added. Don't forget to edit it, if you wish to have a different event URL. 

Please use only alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9). In addition, the hyphen (-) is permitted if it is surrounded by characters. 

3. Copy settings

Select the event which you want to copy in the section Copy settings. In the drop-down menu Source event you can choose your past event that you want to copy.

Only the events for which you were listed as the owner will appear in the list. 

4. Select the settings which will be copied

After selecting your desired past event, the settings which can be copied for the new event are displayed. By ticking an option box, you decide to copy the past event settings for this option. The ones you wish to leave out, simply untick. 

What is being copied for the displayed settings?

  • Website: including the menu pages
  • Event Setup
    • Event information: website language, visibility rules and messaging settings
    • Promotion Settings: event promotion description, website footer promotion, social media links
    • Agenda: sessions (descriptions, locations, identifiers, limits) and tracks
    • Registration Settings: Areas of Activity, Participation Types, Organisation Types, Registration and Visibility rules
    • Matchmaking Settings: Scheduling Mode, Rooking Mode, Booking Rules
      No old meetings will be copied
    • Marketplace: schema (enabled or not), classifiers
      No participant marketplace entries will be copied
    • Payment: Payment Settings, Tickets and Ticket Rules.
      No actual payments will be copied
    • Feedback Settings: Questions and Meeting Ratings.
      No actual feedback given by participants will be copied 
    • Event Navigation: all the links and dropdown menus
    • Promotion Settings: the image and description 

v6 - copy settings

5. Import participant contact information

You can choose if you want to import the participant contact information from the previous event in the Import participants section. If you wish to do so, also choose the previous event here in the drop-down menu Source event.

Please note that you will be able to import contacts even after you create the event. For more information check our article Importing Participants.

The contact information of all registered and validated participants from the previous event will be imported in the new event. They can be found in the Import section.

v6 - Import participants

6. Create the event

Click on Create event at the bottom of the page.

v6 - create event

Congratulations! The newly created event will have the mandatory information that you have filled in (title, description, language, date, venue time zone, country, city and subdomain) and the additions that you have chosen to copy from the previous event. The process of copying is done by now, but you still must look into some important updates about your new event. 

Your event is copied, what to do next? 

  1. Update the agenda
    In regards to the event sessions, session information (name, time, location, description) and session options (adding to registration, showing in pdf agenda, etc.)
  2. Update the event website
    Go to the website editor/event website and check if the content (especially the links) is still applicable. 
  3. Check the Messages
    Check the registration notifications and edit them if updates are needed (for example replacing old links).
  4. Double-check all settings in Configuration to see if they're still applicable
    The following might need to be adapted: booking start and end dates, participant types, organization types, areas of activities, marketplace settings.
  5. Publish the website
    Make a test registration in order to make sure the registration process is set according to your needs and afterward  .
  6. Check the invitation message to imported participants (if the case)
    In case participants have been imported you need to create an invitation email, asking imported participants if they want to attend again. 
  7. Ask for a quality check
    If your Customer Success Manager hasn't performed the quality check yet, in case you want some feedback from our end, drop us a line and we will look into your event settings.