
Predefined Filters

Once you've created filters, you can use them in the Organizer's Tool for both the participant's list and organization's list.

How can I set up a default filter?

Through Advanced Search option, you can set predefined filters in the system by following the steps below:

  • Go to Participants in the organizer tool
  • Click on Predefined filters
  • Click on Add custom filters
  • Set the criteria for your filters
  • Define a name for your filter in order to save it for later use

    v6 - set as default
  • Click on Save & Search

Where predefined filters can be used?

The predefined filters are visible in the Participants or Organizations - Predefined filters.

v6 - predefined filter

The same predefined filters on Participants list are also available for filtering in the Export - Export Data and PDF Documents and in the Badges filtering.

v6 - export filter-1

v6 - badges