Exchanging messages is one of the most important thing for matchmaking events. Participants love to get in touch with each other and discuss business opportunities before they actually have a meeting.
Participants can chat through our instant messaging feature, integrated in the event website.
Messaging Settings

- Participants will be able to send messages to everyone.
- Participants will only be able to send messages to participants they have a pending or accepted meeting request with.
- Participants will not be able to send messages to anyone.
How it works for the Organizers
Due to privacy regulations, organizers cannot see the messages exchanged by the participants.
The number of messages sent and received by participants can be displayed in Participants, given that the columns are marked as displayed or added in saved filters.
Drag and drop Messages Sent and Messages Received to the Selected Columns.
Then click on Search. You now have applied a custom filter, which you did not save.
The number of messages sent and received by the participants will be displayed in the columns Messages Sent and Messages Received. You can order them by clicking on the small arrow, next to the column's name.
How it works for the Participants
Once registered for the event or logged in, the participants can chat with each other by following the steps below.
- Go to the Participant list
- Choose the participant whom you want to send a message and click the Message icon
This will open the Conversations page, which is accessible in the top menu.
Participants can also send a new message directly from the Conversations. To do that, they simply need to click the plus symbol:
Then, participants can search for other profiles or select one or multiple participants from the list:
Participants can have group chats, with up to 8 people in one conversation:
The conversations work in real time, so there is no need for participants to refresh the page.