Organisations list on the Event Website

Organisations list from participant's perspective

You can find the organisation list at the event in the Companies tab. 

v6 - companies

Filters on Companies list

Scroll down in order to view the list of companies.

You can sort the companies by relevance, last update profile or alphabetically. Click on the arrows next to Sort and choose Relevance, Last updated or Name.

v6 - filters on Companies

Additional filters can be found on the left side of the page:

  • Participation types - this filter will show the participant types linked to participants registered within the company profiles. Check the ones you want to include in the companies list

    v6 - companies - p-type
  • Countries - the countries filter will display the list of the company countries. Tick the countries whose companies you want to see on the companies list

    v6 - companies - countries
  • Areas of activities - this filter will display the business fields selected by company representatives during registration. Check the ones you want to include in the companies list

    v6 - companies - areas
  • Organisation types - used to categorize companies by the organisation types they are associated with

    c6 - companies - org-types
  • Custom questions - if the organiser configures questions as searchable, participants and website visitors can filter companies based on the responses provided by the company representatives. This option is only available for the types of questions which require options, such as Single Choice (Radio Buttons), Single Choice (Select Field), Multiple Choice (Check Boxes).

    v6 - companies - custom question

Organization’s profile overview

Select an organization to open their organization’s profile overview.

The organization's profile consists of two sections: overview and marketplace.

In the overview section, you can access essential information about the company, including its description, primary business fields, responses to organizer questions (if made visible), and the complete list of company representatives.

v6 - company overview

Within the Marketplace section, you can find the list of all marketplace entries created by the company representatives. Furthermore, you have the option to initiate a meeting request or communicate with the representatives via messaging.

v6 - company marketplace