Organizer Profile

After you created your b2match organizer account, you are able to edit your personal and organisation information at any given time.

How can I edit my Organizer Account?

In order to access information related to your organizer account, go to your name on the top right corner of the organizer's tool and click on Edit my account.

v6 - Edit my account

What information can I edit?

There are five sections which can be edited in Edit my account page.

Each section contains a Save changes button. Click on it in the correct section for changes to be saved.

My Profile

In My Profile section you can edit your personal information such as First Name, Last Name, Phone, Preferred Language, Timezone. Here you can upload your profile image as well.

v6 - my profile Organizer


Organization section is related to the information of your organization or company such as Organization Name, Website and Address. Here you can also upload the Organization's logo.

v6 - organization organizer


In this section you can verify the email address associated with your Organizer Account and change it. After inserting your new email address, a verification email will be sent to the mailbox of the current email address. Once confirmed, the new email address will be available for the use during Log In. 

In case you want to change the email address which is already used for another b2match Organizer Account, the system will display an error message at the top of the page.

v6 - error email address


In this section, you can change your password. The system requires you to type in your current password and enter your new password twice in the New Password and Repeat Password fields.

v6 - password organizer


This section allows you to remove yourself from the Newsletter's list, by unticking the checkbox.

v6 - newletter

Displaying Organizer Account Information on the Contacts page

The information you set in the My Profile and Organization sections will be displayed in the Contacts section on the website.

This can be configured by clicking on Add to add the organizer in the Contacts page. The information that will be displayed on the Contacts page are Organization's name, First and Last Name, phone number, email, website and logo.

WARNING: this information is not automatically updated on the website page! When you change information in your organizer account, you need to remove and add your contact again to the website in order for the changes to be visible.