Organizer's Dashboard

What is the Organizer's Dashboard?

The organizer's dashboard is an overview of the event's timeline, registrations, meetings and recent participant activity. It allows the organizer to keep an eye on the event's statistics and track the success of the event. 

What type of statistics do I have access to?

On the Organizer's Dashboard, you will see different statistics: 

  • Registered participants (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Activated participants (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Participants attending on-site (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Imported participants and the number of invitations sent (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Participants not attending (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Participants who declined the invitation (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Participants rejected by the organizers (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Participants who canceled their attendance (Dashboard - Registrations section)
  • Live stage - if the session was connected to an online location, we track who clicked the button Join online session from the agenda. 
  • Unique logged in attendees to the event website (Dashboard - Participant activity section) per day for the last 30 days
  • Number and a list of attendees on the regular online sessions - we track which participants clicked the button Join Online Session from the agenda (Dashboard + File in the Attended online sessions export)
  • Meetings statistics regarding who joined a virtual meeting and who missed it (Virtual meetings overview + File in the Event Summary export)
  • Participants in matchmaking (Dashboard - Meetings section)
  • Meeting request and scheduling status (Dashboard - Meetings section)
  • Meetings in long term matchmaking (Dashboard - Meetings section)
  • Percentage of participants who received and opened an email  (Messages - Outbox - Sent emails).
  • Website visitors are not registered users (participants)
  • Attendees/Participants are registered users.


The Timeline offers a visual representation of the booking and registration start dates and the duration of the event itself in relation to today's date. 

Participants online/offline

See the number of participants and visitors in real time. Read more on about the online/offline participants status.

Participant activity

See the number of participants who logged in each day. 
Hover your mouse over a bar in the graph to see the date and the exact number of logged-in participants. The graph shows the numbers from the last 30 days.


Check your registrations' overview per registration status and sessions.

By clicking on the numbers you will be redirected to the respective list of the participants/imports .


Check your meetings' overview per registration status and sessions

Recent activity

Check your participants' recent activity regarding registrations and meetings.