Owner, Main Organizer and Support Organizer

b2match allows organizers to collaboratively organize events. An event can be organized by several organizers.

Types of Organizers


The event's owner is the administrator of the event website and the organizer tool. The owner has all the rights, including the following exclusive rights:

  • is able to make the event accessible to the public
  • is able to edit payment related settings
  • is able to delete events, given that they are in demo mode
  • is able to invite other organizers and set if they are supporting organizers or main organizers.

Main Organizers

The main organizers can change all settings, customize the event website, send customized emails, edit notifications and manage participants. They can also invite other organizers and set if they are supporting organizers or main organizers. 

Supporting Organizers

Supporting organizers help the main organizers to manage participants. You will have access to the participants list, the meetings list and the export section.

Inviting organizers

To invite an organizer go to Organizers in the left hand navigation panel.

  1. Click on Invite Organizers.
  2. Enter the email addresses of the organizers you want to invite. Separate email addresses with a comma to invite multiple organizers.
  3. Click on Invite New Organizers.
  4. The invited organizers will now receive an email with an invitation link and, until they click on Open invitation, they will be listed under Invitations.

The invited organizers will be automatically added as support organizers.

Accepting an Invitation

When supporting organizers are invited to co-organize the event, they will receive the invitation per email and they will have to create a user account. 

Turning off Notifications

Go to Organizers in the organizer's tool. Click on Edit next to your name.

Editing option on the Organizers list is available for main organizers only.

In the Notifications section, the system lists three types of notifications sent to the organizers:

  • Registration
  • Pending Opportunity (in case of manual marketplace validation)
  • Attendance Type Change (in case of explicit attendance type on hybrid events). Deselect the checkbox in front of the notifications and save to disable their sending.

v6 - notifications for organizers

Organizers page

The Organizers page displays contact information of the event organizers and can be found in the top navigation on the event website. To have it displayed there, you need to add the Organizers component to the Event Navigation

The organizers can be grouped by country. To group them by country, select the country from the drop-down menu, after ticking the checkbox Show.

v6 - Contacts page