Exhibitors & Lead Retrieval
Add the Exhibitor features to your event with the possibility of retrieving leads, hosting sessions and setting virtual booths
The exhibitor/visitor events organized with the help of b2match benefits of the following three features which will help boosting the business matchmaking experience:
- Lead retrieval
Extend participants' network by allowing the exhibitors to gather virtual business cards from the visitors.
- Virtual booths
Dedicated exhibitor rooms which online visitors can join impromptu and where they can start the conversation. - Hosted sessions
Scheduled sessions hosted by the exhibitors where they can elaborate on their products and services.
Additionally, the companies are able to personalize their page by adding a cover and attachments to their page.
The Exhibitors & Lead Retrieval is a package not automatically enabled for the events. Therefore, you need to alert your Sales Representative or your Customer Success Manager if you would like to try it out for your next event.
How the organizers can enable it
Go to Configuration and Participant Types. Here you have the Exhibitor's Package, where you can choose to enable the feature you need for your event.
After enabling the features you need in this step, you need to make sure your organization is assigned this specific participant type.