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Importing Contacts From Previous Events

Importing contacts from previous events has never been easier, allowing for a faster and smoother registration experience.

By utilizing the existing profiles participants have on the b2match platform, you eliminate the need for them to create new accounts. This streamlined approach not only saves time but also increases the likelihood of higher attendance. Participants will appreciate the convenience and familiarity of the platform, making them more eager to join your upcoming event.

How can I import my participants from a previous event?

First, it’s important to highlight that only event organizers who were the owners of the previous event can import contacts. However, if your organization has ownership or you've obtained approval from the event owner, you can gain ownership rights to ensure participant contact protection and security.

Importing participants during event creation

During the creation of your new event, you'll have the opportunity to import contacts right from the start. 

In the Import contacts section, you can select the specific events from which you want to import contacts. 

Simply enter the name of the event in the Source events field and click Enter. You can import participants from multiple events, if desired. 


Importing contacts after creating the new event

If you've already created your event and need to import contacts afterward, the process is just as straightforward.

First, navigate to Import on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s Tool. 

Then, click on the Import Contacts button in the upper right corner. 


To import participant contacts from your previous event, select Previous Events and then on click Continue


Next, choose the event you want to import contacts from, and then on Continue


Once you have imported your contacts, a comprehensive list of all imported contacts will be displayed. From here, you have multiple options to further engage with these contacts. You can proceed by sending event invitations, or if necessary, you can even complete the registration process on behalf of the participants.

When importing contacts to the new event, you will also import specific information that participants have previously filled in during the source event. The following information will be imported:

  • First name and last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Mobile phone number
  • Street, ZIP code, city, and country
  • Job position
  • Pitch (brief introduction)
  • Biography
  • Organization name and description
  • Participation type (as long as the chosen type exists in the new event)
  • Areas of activity (if the selected areas exist in the new event)

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.