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Logging in to Your Account

After you successfully created your Organizer account, you can log in to access the b2match platform. 

How can I log in to my b2match account?

First, open the page. 

Here, in the Business email field type in the email address you used to create your account.

In the Password field, type in your password. 

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If you want to preview your password instead of seeing blank dots, click on the eye icon in the Password field.

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Note: If you wish to stay logged in, tick the Keep me logged in checkbox.

Finally, click on the Log in button to access the platform.  

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If you forgot your password, and need to create a new one, click on Forgot password?

How can I troubleshoot login issues?

If you're having trouble logging into the Organizer's tool, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Refresh the page
  • Open the site in incognito mode
  • Use a different browser
  • Reset your password if needed
  • Clear cookies and cache, then try again.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.