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Managing Organization Representatives

At events, organization representatives hold great importance as they represent their organization's ideas, goals, and vision. They play a crucial role in accurately showcasing their brand and achieving their event objectives. 

After you have added an organization to your event, you can now associate participants with their respective organizations or organizations that other participants have created within the Organizer's Tool.

How can I manage organization representatives?

First, click on Organizations on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s Tool.

From the organization’s list, select the organization whose representatives you want to manage.

In the organization’s profile overview, navigate to the Representatives tab.


Here, you will see a list of all the representatives for that organization.

To add a new representative, simply enter their name or select it from the drop-down menu in the Add representatives field. Then, click the Add button.


Tip: You can add multiple representatives at once.

To remove a participant as a representative, click the Remove button next to their name in the Representatives tab.

This will open the Remove participant modal stating that the participant will no longer be listed as a representative, but their profile will not be affected. Here, click on Remove.


Note: Keep in mind that the participant with the Admin label is the organization’s owner and cannot be removed as a representative.

Organization representatives are visible on the organization page, on the event website. If you want to hide a representative from the event website while keeping them as a representative, simply untick the box in the Visible column.


Alternatively, you can assign a participant as an organization representative through their profile overview.

Access the participant list by clicking on Participants on the left sidebar.

Select a participant to open their profile overview.

In the Profile tab, find the Organization Page section and click the Add button.


Type in the name of the organization you want to assign the participant to, then click Save.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.