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Organizer's Checklist Before Booking Starts

Before booking starts, you need to make sure that participants' profiles are updated, relevant messages are sent and the matchmaking settings are correctly set. This includes the items below.

Matchmaking settings are defined

Before booking starts, make sure your matchmaking settings are set according to your needs. b2match offers a variety of options and recommends that you choose the right option for your event before the booking starts. 

You can change your matchmaking settings before the booking has started in Configuration - Matchmaking Settings. Once you have a considerable number of bookings, please contact us before changing the matchmaking settings.

Matchmaking sessions are defined

Before opening the booking, check your agenda to make sure your sessions are well defined, and the meetings' length and the tables number are set according to your needs. 

A matchmaking session should include several time slots. We recommend you to create two matchmaking sessions, in the morning and afternoon, 20-30 minutes per meeting. You can change the tables number at any given time.

Participants’ status and profile is checked

If you notice participants who haven't selected matchmaking sessions, filled out their organization description, or engaged with the marketplace, be sure to reach out to them via phone or customized emails.

If you enabled participant validation, you need to validate the participants in order for them to participate in matchmaking and be visible for other participants.

Invite the participants to book meetings 

We suggest informing participants about the open booking time frame by sending them a customized email. Participants without meetings will be reminded to book own meetings by a notification automatically sent by the system every 3 days.

Encourage participants to join matchmaking

If there are participants with no matchmaking sessions selected, contact them and encourage them to participate in matchmaking. They should update their attendance with at least one matchmaking session if they want to send and receive meeting requests.

Keep registration open until the day before the event

Registration should remain open until one day before the event. Statistics indicate that the majority of participants tend to register and book meetings in the last week leading up to the event.

Keep booking open during the event and encourage participants to use the b2match app

Participants can use the b2match mobile app in order to book additional meetings on the day of the event. 

You can change the matchmaking time frame in Configuration - Matchmaking Settings - Booking Time Frame.