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Organizer's Checklist Before Registration Starts

Once registration starts, participants are able to register for the event and add their Marketplace entries. The Register now button will become clickable the day and time set in the registration settings, in Registration begin date.

Before registration starts, the organizers need to make sure that the overall configuration of the event is set according to their needs. This includes the below items.

Correct event configuration

  • Registration time frame is set. This determines the time frame in which the attendees can register for your event and can be set in Configuration - Registration Settings - Registration Time Frame - Registration begin and end dates.
  • Booking time frame is set. Make sure the booking beginning date does not overlap with the registration beginning date. Our recommendation for the booking time frame is 3 weeks before the event.
  • Well defined Participant Types, if you want to differentiate your participants on certain criteria or if you want to implement booking rules.
  • If your event has payment, make sure that the payment is enabled and tickets are configured.
  • Well defined Organization Types.
  • A solid list of Areas of Activity within the participants can choose the suitable ones.
  • Custom questions - if you need extra information visible for the organizers alone or for the participants as well.
  • Marketplace items adapted to your event.

Your event's agenda is clear and structured

During the registration process, the participants will select the sessions to which they want to attend, so before registration starts, you need to make sure that you have set up the agenda correctly. The participants can only send and receive meeting requests if they select at least one matchmaking session. 

Participants are able to meet only if they have common matchmaking sessions.

Participation activation

Define whether you want to activate the participants or not.

If participant activation is enabled, only activated participants are able to send and receive meeting requests.

Imported participants

If you have imported participants for your event, make sure to send the imported participants the invitations for the event.

You can import participants from previous events or an Excel list.


Make sure your website has the needed information and that is ready to be public on the internet. When you think your website is ready to be published, let us know. We can perform a quality check of the website and also of the event's settings in general.

b2match's recommendations for the next step

When registration starts, check participants’ profile and validate/activate them if their profile is complete.

Keep your colleagues and participants informed by sending them messages on the steps prior to the event.