Outbox Messages
Good communication with your participants is crucial to a successful networking event. Learn how to send emails to registered participants and imported contacts.
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In addition to automated email notifications, b2match gives you the ability to send emails to participants, imported contacts, and other organizers.
- Email to participants - you can send emails to registered participants based on various criteria
- Email to imports - you can send emails to contacts you have imported based on their status
- Email to organizers - you can send emails to other organizers based on various criteria
When sending emails, make sure you unlink any links/action buttons if you copy previous messages, which you've already sent. The previously inserted links/action buttons contain personalized participant tokens.
Customizing the email
You have several customizing options in our email editor.
- Variables - you can choose the right placeholder for the participant name by clicking on Variable and select the one you want: Full Name, First Name or Last Name.
- By doing this, you ensure that each participant will see their own name in the email, making it more personalized.
- Lists - you can opt for an unordered list (displayed with bullets) and an ordered list (displayed with numbers)
- Link - you can insert links to the website pages (Home, Location, Contacts or other pages you have added on the website) and personalized links as follows:
- Dashboard: the participants will directly access their b2match account
- Feedback: participants will directly access their feedback form
- Agenda: participants will directly access their agenda and they also can download their agenda as pdf here
- Meetings: participants can see their meetings
- My Availability: participants will directly access the "My Availability" section where they can indicate their availability for 1:1 meetings
- Attendance: participants will directly access their attendance tab, where they can update their event attendance by choosing additional sessions or changing some sessions
- Participants: they will directly access the list of participants where they can request meetings by clicking on View Profile for the interesting meeting partners
- Marketplace: the participants will be directed to the Marketplace page with all the Marketplace entries
- Download badge: the participants will be able to download their badges.
- Action Button - you can insert action buttons in your email to participants. They can use them for the following purposes:
- Dashboard: by clicking on Dashboard, the participants will directly access their b2match account;
- Feedback: participants will directly access their feedback form;
- Agenda: participants will directly access their agenda and they also can download their agenda as pdf here;
- Meetings: participants can see their meetings;
- Attendance: participants will directly access their attendance tab, where they can update their event attendance by choosing additional sessions or changing some sessions;
- Participants: they will directly access the list of participants where they can request meetings by clicking on View Profile for the interesting meeting partners;
- Marketplace: the participants will be directed to the Marketplace page with all the Marketplace entries;
- Download badge: the participants will be able to download their badges.
- When sending emails, make sure you unlink any links/action buttons if you copy previous messages, which you've already sent. The previously inserted links/action buttons contain personalized participant tokens.
When sending emails, you should not copy previous sent emails in case you added personalized action buttons or links. If you copy the emails, make sure to remove the action button or links, since a they contain an existing participant token*.
Tokens sent through emails contain a direct link to a participant's profile without the need for logging in. Therefore, if participant A receives an email containing a token from participant B, participant A will have access to participant B's profile.

- HTML - you can edit the HTML code if needed.
- Indent/Outdent functions are available for text editing.
Email Templates
For a quick and effective email, feel free to use our premade email templates. They contain relevant information for your participants, as well as links and buttons for direct access to an event page.
Each template corresponds to a phase of an event when organizers usually send emails to participants. The email templates for participants are as follows:
- Publish Marketplace Opportunities - sent when you want to encourage participants to create Marketplace Opportunities and show what they have to offer or are looking for
- Booking Phase - sent when you want to encourage participants to book more meetings
- Join Matchmaking Sessions - sent when you want to remind or instruct your participants to sign up for matchmaking sessions so that they can book meetings
- Join Agenda Sessions - sent when you want to remind or instruct your participants to sign up for regular sessions
- Participants' Personal Agenda - sent when you want to instruct participants how to access their agenda containing the sessions they're attending and their meetings
- Feedback - sent when you want participants to fill out your Event Survey or rate their Meetings
- Post Event Matchmaking - sent when you want to inform participants about extending the matchmaking phase
- Book More Meetings - sent when you want to encourage participants to send (more) meeting requests
- One week before the event - sent when you want to remind participants about the event start and encourage them additionally to book meetings or publish marketplace entries
- One day before the event - sent when you want to remind participants about the event
Sending the email
- Click on Save. Your message will be now saved as draft.
- Click on Edit. You can check and edit your message again.
- Click on Preview and Send. A preview of your email will be displayed.
- Send a test. After you click "Preview & Send", you can send a test email to an address of your choice and see what the actual email will look like.
- Click Back if you want to edit your email or Send to recipients now if the email is ready to be sent.
- Your message is now sent and stored in the Sent area.
Sent emails
Your sent messages are under the Sent area in Messages - Outbox. You can resend the message by clicking the Edit & Resend button and you are able to edit the recipients list and the content before doing so.
The date when the message was sent will be displayed here, as well as the the number of the participants to whom it has been sent to.
Each sent email will also display information about how many participants was the email delivered to and how many participants opened the email.
- Delivered - means that that message has been accepted by the recipients email server.
- Opened - to every message b2match will add a small invisible image. When the email client tries to display the image, we mark the message as "Opened". This information is only accurate if the email client displays the image. Some email clients do not open images automatically and can't be tracked.
- Clicked - tracking clicking the buttons and links in the messages
The most accurate information is 'delivered', but it does not necessarily mean that the participant has opened the message. For example, if the system shows 99% delivered and 60% opened, it means that 99% emails have been accepted by recipients' email servers.
However, it doesn't necessarily mean that only 60% have opened the message, it means that 60% opens were tracked.
If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.