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Participant Validation & Visibility

When organizing an event on the b2match platform, the first step is to configure registration settings to make the process smoother for both you and your participants.

Once a participant registers for the event, their profile needs to be validated to activate it on the b2match platform. Next to validation settings, you also have the option to configure visibility settings. If a participant is marked as visible, they will be visible to other participants on the participant list on the event website, but only after they have been validated. 

How can I configure participant validation?

First, click on Configuration on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s tool. 

Then, from the Participant section, select Registration settings

Here, scroll down to the Participants Activation section.

In this section, you will find the two validation options: automatic and manual. 


Click on the validation option of your choice and then click on Save in the bottom right corner. 

Automatic validation

If you choose automatic validation, participants will be automatically validated as soon as they register. Validated participants can be seen by others on the event website's participant list. They can also send and receive meeting requests. 

Manual validation

If you choose manual validation, you need to personally validate each participant's profile. You can learn more about this process in our article Validating participants

How can I configure participant visibility?

In the Registration settings page, scroll down to the Participant Visibility section

Here, you will find two visibility options: Participants are automatically visible and Manually turn participants visibility on


Participants are automatically visible

If you choose the Participants are automatically visible option, your participants will be visible to others as soon as they register for the event and you validate them.

Manually turn participants visibility on

If you choose the Manually turn participants visibility option, you have control over each participant's visibility. You can manually configure whether a participant is visible to others on the participant list. 

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.