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Participant’s Profile Overview

The Organizer's Tool provides a participant's profile overview, where you can conveniently access and edit all their information in one place.

How can I access participant’s profile overview?

First, click on Participants on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s Tool.

This will open the participant’s list. 

Select a participant to open their participant’s profile overview.

What does the participant’s profile overview look like?

Participant's Contact Information

At the top of the participant's profile overview, you will find comprehensive details such as their name, picture, participant type, email address, phone number, job title, city, country, and company name. Additionally, you can see specific information about their activity on the platform, including the number of scheduled meetings, added opportunities in the marketplace, profile visits, and bookmarked participants. Please note that these details cannot be edited by the organizer.

Next, you will find and edit the participant's profile status. You can activate their profile and make it visible by clicking on the toggle switch. The profile overview also displays the registration date and time, last login date and time, as well as profile activation date and time.

In the upper right corner, you will notice the Impersonate button. The impersonate user feature allows the organizer to log in as the participant in their dashboard and perform actions on their behalf.


Next to the Impersonate button, there are 3 dots. Clicking on them will open a drop-down menu with various options. From this menu, you can send the participant an email, download their agenda and badge, impersonate them, or cancel their participation.


Participant's Profile Overview Menu

As an organizer, you have the ability to access and modify various aspects of the participant's profile, including sessions, availability, meetings, marketplace, settings, and activities. Additionally, you can leave private notes that are only visible to you and other organizers.

Profile Tab

The Profile tab is organized into multiple sections:

  • Organization Page: You can add or remove the participant from an existing organization page.
  • Participant Type: You can edit the participant's participant type.
  • Personal Information: You can edit the participant's personal details, such as their email, password, organization name, job position, pitch, biography, country, city, and social media links.
  • Speaker Settings: This section allows you to mark a participant as a speaker and modify their speaker information.
  • Custom Questions: Here, you can edit the participant's responses to custom questions.


Sessions Tab

In the Sessions tab, you can view all the available sessions that participants can select during the registration process. Simply tick the box next to the desired session to include the session in the participant's personal agenda. Learn more about this topic in our article Setting up participants session attendance


Availability Tab

In the Availability tab, you have the option to enable the participant's availability for meetings by clicking the toggle switch. If you have set up open virtual networking for your event, you can also indicate the participant's availability for that. Additionally, this tab displays all the meeting blocks you have created and the corresponding time slots. Learn more about this topic in our article Setting up participants availability.


Meetings Tab

Within the Meetings tab, you will find a comprehensive overview of all the participant's meetings, regardless of their status (scheduled, pending, or canceled) or whether they are past or future meetings. 

Each meeting is represented by its own meeting card, providing details such as the participants involved, date and time, meeting type (on-site or online), meeting location (if on-site), and the average meeting rating. 


By clicking on the three dots on the meeting card, you gain access to additional editing options: editing the meeting details, accepting pending meetings, moving meetings to pending status (if already accepted), or canceling the meeting. Additionally, you can create a new meeting by clicking the Create meeting button.


Note: Keep in mind that canceled meetings can only be edited.

Marketplace Tab

Within the Marketplace tab, you have the ability to create a new opportunity on behalf of the participant by clicking on the Create opportunity button

Existing marketplace opportunities are displayed in opportunity cards, providing information such as the opportunity type, name, short description, full description, what the participant is looking for, market application keywords, as well as any associated image, file, or video. 

You can publish or unpublish an opportunity by clicking the toggle switch next to the pencil icon. 


To edit an opportunity, simply click on the pencil icon, allowing you to edit all the information on the card. You can choose to make the opportunity visible or invisible on the event website and whether it should be displayed on the organization page.


Settings Tab

The Settings tab enables you to view and edit the following participant information:

  • Support office: You can add or edit the participant's support office details.
  • Timezone: You can add or edit the participant's timezone, which affects how all event session and meeting times are displayed on the website. If no specific timezone is selected, the event timezone will be used.
  • Maximum number of meetings: You can set the maximum number of meetings for the participant.
  • Available for messaging: You can specify whether the participant can receive messages from other participants by clicking the toggle switch.


Activities Tab

Within the Activities tab, you can access the participant's activity history within your event. This includes details about their meetings, messages, profile updates, and check-ins. 

Additionally, you have the option to check the participant in, whether it is for the event as a whole or specific session locations.


Notes Tab

In the Notes tab, you can leave private notes that are only visible to yourself and other organizers. This allows you to keep track of important information or observations related to the participant.


Note: Remember to click the Save button when making edits on a specific tab. If you switch to another tab before saving the changes on the current tab, the changes will not be saved.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.