Visibility Rules
When organizing an event, you can control who accesses your participant list. Whether you make it public or set exclusive visibility rules, configuring these options helps maintain control over participant information.
By setting up visibility rules, you can establish specific regulations that apply to participant profiles, organization profiles, and Marketplace opportunities across your entire event website.
Visibility rules determine whether the participants in your event are publicly visible to all website visitors or only to registered participants. In case of a private list, further visibility rules can be applied.
How can I configure visibility rules?
First, access Configuration from the left sidebar of the Organizer’s Tool.
From the Event Settings section, navigate to Event Information.
Here, you can configure general information about your event.
Scroll down to the Visibility Rules section.
Here, you will find the participant types you have created for the event.
Public Participants List
The first row will be labeled Any website visitor can see. Here, tick the box of the participant type that you want to be publicly displayed on the Participants list.
Note: Make sure that Guest mode is enabled for the Participants component in the Event Navigation to prevent visibility rule conflicts.
Private Participants List
If you don't tick any box next to Any website visitor can see, the participant list will only be accessible to registered and activated participants.
For other website visitors, a message will be displayed, that the page is only visible to registered participants and, in order to get access to this event, the website visitors need to register and be validated by the event organizer.
The organizer is able to define whether a specific participant type can see another participation type (in the screenshot below buyers can see sellers and vice versa).
Tip: If you are hosting an investor/startup event, consider publicly showing your list of investors to attract a higher number of participants by ticking the Investors box next to Any website visitor can see.