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Payment & Invoice Settings

Find out everything about various payment settings methods participants can use to pay for their tickets. Learn how to customize the invoice issued for every payment.


In case the Payment add-on is not enabled on your event, please contact

Please note that only the event owner can change the payment settings in the organizer's tool. You can see who is marked as the event owner in the Organizers section.

Currency and VAT

With b2match, you can configure tickets in a wide range of currencies. To define the currency, go to Configuration > Payments > Settings.

You will need to write the standardised 3-letter currency abbreviation (e.g. EUR, USD, etc.). If you're not sure what the abbreviation of the desired currency is, check out the list here.

The VAT settings allow you to define if and how value added tax can be applied to a participant's payment. 

There are 4 different VAT settings:

  • Don't charge VAT at all → no VAT will be applied to the ticket
  • Charge VAT to everyone → VAT will be applied to all tickets for all participants. You are able to define what percentage of the price will be added as VAT at the bottom.

  • EU Reverse Charge (NON EU countries must pay VAT) → EU and NON-EU countries will have to pay the VAT. However, EU countries can bypass this if they enter a valid VAT ID for their country.
    Additionally, you will need to select the country in which you are located. This ensures that participants from the selected country will always be charged with the VAT. They cannot bypass this with their VAT ID.
  • EU Reverse Charge (NON EU countries don't have to pay VAT) → participants from EU countries need to type in their VAT ID to avoid being charged for VAT. Participants from non-EU countries will not be charged with VAT.

Please check with your finance department if EU Reverse Charge is possible for you and what VAT you can invoice.

The VAT will not be applied to the ticket selection step in the registration form. Participants will not see the final price until they reach the payment step.

Payment Methods

b2match supports the following means of payment:

Credit Card (via Stripe)

If you want to allow your participants to pay for tickets with a credit card, you will need to have a Stripe account which you have to integrate into b2match. To do that, go to Configuration > Integrations and follow the instructions on the screen.

Please note that only the event owner can add an integration. You can see who is marked as the event owner in the Organizers section.

Once you integrate your Stripe account, you can make a test payment.

You can create and delete test payments only when the event is in the draft mode. 

To make a test payment, go to your event's registration page and start registering as a participant. When you reach the payment step, select "Credit Card" as your payment method. You can use the following fake card number:

4242 4242 4242 4242

The card expiration date and CVC can be any random numbers. The status of your payment will be marked as test.

Payments made via credit card are automatically processed and the payment status in b2match is updated accordingly. 

Credit Card (via Mollie)

Mollie is another payment provider which allows your participants to pay for tickets with a credit card. You need to have a Mollie account which you have to integrate into b2match event. To do that, go to Configuration > Integration and connect your Mollie account.


If you want to allow your participants to pay for tickets with their PayPal account, you will need to have an account of your own, which you then have to integrate into b2match. To do that, go to Configuration > Integrations and follow the instructions on the screen.

Please note that only the event owner can add an integration. You can see who is marked as the event owner in the Organizers section.

Bank Transfer (Payment via Invoice)

In case you do not have a PayPal or a Stripe account, you can use bank transfer as a payment method, where participants transfer funds directly to your bank account. 

In the Bank Account Details field, write your bank account information. You can also write some additional descriptions here to make sure your participants know how to make the payment. We provide a template of the text which you can adjust, but feel free to write something on your own. 

How Participants Make Payments

The participants can make payments during the last step of the registration process.

The payment method is selected at the beginning.

The promotion code can be inserted on the right.

Once participants apply their promotion code, the price will be reduced accordingly.

Credit Card

In case they are paying with a credit card, they need to enter their credit card number, CVC number and the expiration date. Once completed, participants will be redirected to the confirmation screen.


If they select PayPal as their payment method, once they click "Finish Payment" at the bottom of the screen, they will be redirected to this page:

Once they click the PayPal check out button, they will be redirected to PayPal where they can complete their payment.

Bank Transfer

In case participants selected the bank transfer method, once they click "Finish Payment", they will be redirected to this page:

The text in the blue section matches the text added in the "Bank Account Details" section in the Payment Settings.

As opposed to other payment methods, with the bank transfer participants can pay at a later stage. Until they do, they will see a red notification informing them that they haven't paid yet.

By clicking the "Your payment information" button, participants can access the information needed to make a payment.

They can also change their payment method by clicking the "Change payment & billing" button.

As opposed to other payment methods, with the bank transfer method, the payment status in the organizer's tool will be "Pending" until you manually confirm that the participant has paid. For more information, read our article Managing Tickets and Payments.

Customizing Invoices

Once participants successfully make a payment, they will be able to download an auto-generated invoice. 

You can change the invoice header and footer in Configuration > Payment Settings.

For the invoice logo, the logo added in the Promotion Settings section will be used.

Depending on your organization, there are different ways how to customize the invoice. Consult with your accounting department about what to put in the invoice header and footer.

Please note that the invoice numbers are automatically generated by the system, and you cannot change them on your own. The default structure of the invoice number is a six digit number starting at 000001. Every subsequent invoice number is increased by 1 (000001, 000002,...).


In case you want to have custom invoice numbers, please contact

Non-customizable Items on Invoices

  • Registration No. - this is the participant's number, you can find it in the Participants section in the organizer's tool
  • Invoice date - the confirmation date of when the payment has been made (Stripe/Paypal) or confirmed (Payment via invoice).

Using Your Own Invoices

In case our auto-generated invoices do not meet your requirements, you are free to send your own invoices to participants. In that case, we can make some adjustments on our side:

  • We remove the download button for invoices and pro-forma invoices
  • A message is added saying the participants will receive an invoice from the event organizer
  • Upon confirmation of the payment, the organizer will send their own generated invoices

Please note that you still need to fill in the details in Payments - Settings - Payment Methods - Bank Account Details. These will be added to the Complete your payment step in the registration. 

    Payment Approval & Payment Skipping

    Payment Approval

    When Payment Approval is enabled, participants skip the checkout process entirely and do not see any payment related information. Once you allow them to pay, participants will be notified via email, and can then finish the payment process described in this article.

    In case you don't want participants to be able to make payments until you manually approve their registration, contact

    When to use the payment approval feature:

    • When free or significantly cheaper tickets are assigned to specific participation types
    • When certain tickets need to be bought by specific participation types only
    • When promotions codes need to be assigned after the participants’ registration

    Payment Skipping

    Participants can skip the payment when finishing the registration. This allows them to make the payment at a later stage.

    In case you would like your participants to pay for the ticket before they finish their registration, please contact