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Registration Settings

Settings which help you configure and customize your event registration

Registration Time Frame

The registration time frame determines the time frame in which the attendees can register for your event. You can find it in ConfigurationRegistration Settings - Registration Time Frame.

When it is set in the future, the Register button on the website will allow participants to register for the event.

Keep the registration open until the day of the event. This will bring you more participants and more booked meetings, as participants tend to register and book meetings in the last few days before the event.

Public or Private Registration

This option determines if the registration for the event is public or private. Read more here.

If you don't organize a private event with a reduce pool of participants, allow the registration to be open to the public, as this will bring you a higher number of participants. 

Attendance Type Settings

This option determines whether or not your participants choose their attendance type in the registration form when it comes to hybrid events. Read more here.

This section will only be displayed for hybrid events.

Participants Activation

This option determines whether participants are automatically activated after they register or if the organizer has to do it manually. Read more here.

Participant activation gives the organizers more control on the participant profiles and their content. 

Marketplace Opportunity Validation

This option determines whether Marketplace opportunities are automatically published once the participants create them, or if the organizers have to manually publish them after reviewing. Read more here.

The Marketplace validation gives the organizers more control on the participant Marketplace content.

Participant Visibility

This option determines whether participants are automatically visible after they register or if the organizer has to manually adjust each participant‘s visibility. Read more here.

Session Registration Rules

These rules define which participant type can sign up for certain sessions. Read more here.

Create and apply registration rules when you want to allow or restrict registrations on some of the event's sessions on specific criteria.