Types of Custom Questions
Sometimes when organizing an event, you have questions that you would like to ask your participants. These questions can be related to the event, to them or to their organization, and they serve you to better organize the event or manage it better.
How many types of custom questions are there?
There are 7 different types of custom questions.
- Single Choice (radio buttons)
A single choice question allows the participant to choose one single option out of multiple options. These questions are displayed with radio buttons.
- Single Choice (select field)
Another single choice question which allows the participant to choose one single option out of a fixed set of choices that are mutually exclusive. The choices are displayed in a drop-down list.
- Multiple Choice Questions
A multiple choice question allows the participant to choose multiple options out of multiple options. These questions are displayed with checkbox items.
Tip: If you select the Inline option, the choices will be displayed in one row.
- Single-Line Text Questions
A text question allows the participant to answer the question by adding a single line of free text. The maximum character number per text is 255 characters.
- Multi-Line Text Questions
A text question allows the participant to answer the question by adding multiple text paragraphs. The maximum character number per paragraph is 4000.
- File Upload
This type of question enables the participants to upload documents. The maximum size number is 10 MB and the supported formats are all Microsoft Office formats.
- Question Group
This is not a question per se, but a feature which allows the organizer to group certain questions in a batch by adding a group title.
In order to change questions' position simply drag and drop a question by clicking on the handler.
Creating a hyperlink in a custom question
If you would like to reference the PDF file or the link to the page with the information (often additional, more Specific Terms and Conditions), you have to insert the following code in the Help Text field of the custom question, together with the link and the title.
<a href="enter the link here" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Terms & conditions</a>