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Understanding b2match Workspaces

b2match workspaces are unique spaces where your team can collaborate to host events or build communities. These workspaces allow you to create and manage these events efficiently.

How does a workspace look?

An organization's workspace displays all your events with relevant detail. 

Each event card shows the event’s name, status, number of participants, number of meetings and marketplace opportunities.


On the right side, you can see whether your event is happening now, upcoming or past. Below that, you will find the event's date and location.


On the event card you can also check who the owner of the event is. 


Filtering Events

Your events can be filtered by workspace and status

To filter your events, click on the desired filter, and choose from available filtering options. After applying the filter, only events matching the selected criteria will be visible in the workspace. 


Warning: Currently, multiple filters cannot be applied simultaneously. You can only choose one filter option at a time.

Sorting Events

For more efficient organization, you can sort your events by several options. 


The Default option sorts events by their status, first showing those happening now. 

The Date created option sorts events based on the creation date. You can either choose from oldest to newest. 

The Alphabetical option sorts events by their name, either from A-Z or to Z-A.

Workspace header

In the workspace header you will notice four icons: the b2match logo, workspace icon and name, home icon, and your avatar. 


b2match logo

Clicking on the b2match logo opens a drop-down menu with links to various b2match website pages. 

You can visit the b2match website, the explore events page to browse public events hosted on the platform, and access the help center, where you’ll find in-depth articles explaining each feature and providing answers to your questions. 



Next to the b2match logo you will find your workspace’s logo and name, along with the number of members collaborating in the workspace.

Click on the icon to open a drop-down menu with options to view and manage membersedit the workspace details, and switch to another workspace.


Note: Only workspace owners can edit a workspace. 

Home icon

The home icon allows you to quickly return to the main screen of the workspace from any other page.



Your avatar is right next to the home icon and displays your profile image.

Click on your avatar to edit your account settings or log out. 


If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.