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Understanding Organization Representatives

Organization representatives represent your organization at the event and extend the reach of your organization.

Representatives help spread the news about your organization at meetings with other participants so that more people learn about your organization.

This article will further explain the role of the representative.

What is an organization representative?

An organization representative is a participant who represents an organization at an event. They go to meetings on behalf of their organization with other participants who may be valuable for their business's further development.  

There are 2 roles an organization representative can have: organization admin or member.

What is the role of an organization admin?

Although an organization may have multiple organization representatives, only one of them will have the role of admin. 

The organization’s admin is the participant who created the organization page. They automatically take on the role of admin. 

Every other organization representative who is added to the organization has the role of a member. 

The organization admin has much greater authority than an ordinary member.


Only the admin can edit the organization page and invite additional organization representatives. Learn more about adding organization representatives in our article Inviting organization representatives

How can I change the organization’s admin?

If you want to transfer the role of the organization’s admin to someone else, you should contact the event organizer since only they have the authority to transfer the admin role.

If you have been assigned a supporting office, you can find their contact on your Dashboard on the left sidebar. Otherwise, you may find the Contacts page on the event navigation. 

If you didn’t find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Event Organizers. Their contact details can be found on the Contact page of the event website.