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Working with Batch Actions

As an event organizer, you understand the importance and value of your time during the event planning process. It can take hours, weeks, or even months to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

However, certain tasks may demand an significant amount of time to complete. This is where batch actions come in handy!

By utilizing batch actions, you can efficiently carry out repetitive actions on a group of participants, preserving your valuable time. You can streamline your efforts to complete tasks more quickly than by carrying them out one at a time.

How to access batch actions?

Click on Participants on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s Tool.

Then, filter the participants to whom you want to apply the batch action.


Click on the Batch actions button to open the Batch Actions modal.


Within the modal, you can select the specific action you wish to apply to the selected participants.

After selecting the action, click on Continue to further configure the batch action.


Note: If you do not apply any filters, any changes made will affect the entire participant list.

What can I do with batch actions?

In the Batch actions modal, you have several actions you can perform on a batch of participants.

Participants Visibility

This action enables you to swiftly set the visibility status for a batch of participants in the participant's list, making them either visible or hidden.


Participants Validation

This action allows you to set the validation status for a group of participants as either validated or not validated.


Participants Sessions

This action allows you to add a session to the agenda for a group of participants. 


Note: Keep in mind that this feature currently not available for hybrid events, therefore  it cannot be uses in b2match V7 since every event is considered hybrid in V7. 

Participants Meeting Blocks

This action permits you to select the meeting blocks during which the participant can take part in meetings.


Once you have configured the desired batch action, click on Continue. A modal will appear indicating that the participants are being updated. Afterward, click on Close and allow some time for the system to execute the action.  

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.