Working With the Badge Editor
Badges are more than just a name on a piece of paper. They are powerful tools that bring participants' identities to life at events. But why settle for ordinary when you can create extraordinary badges?
Design badges that leave a lasting impression, badges that go beyond mere identification and become an art form. With b2match, the perfect event badge is within your reach, waiting for your creative touch.
How can I access the Badge Editor?
First, navigate to Badges on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s Tool.
Here, will find a list of all the badges you have created.
To begin editing a badge, click on the Editor button next to the respective badge.
Note: If you have just created a badge, the next step involves selecting a template to start editing. You can choose from premade templates or begin with a blank badge.
Adding elements
In the Badge Editor, you will see various elements that can be added to your badge on the left side.
These elements include:
Attendee info
Clicking on Attendee info opens a drop-down menu displaying available elements.
You can add elements such as full name, first name, last name, participant picture, email, participant type, organization, organization logo, job position, country, and state province.
Note: Keep in mind that if you include items like participant pictures and organization logos on the badge, they will only be displayed if participants have added them to their profiles. If participants haven't uploaded their pictures or logos, nothing will be shown on the badge.
Once you click on an item, it will be added to the badge editor.
Items can be moved by dragging and dropping them. To remove an item, simply click on the X symbol.
Tip: To ensure sufficient space for Attendee Info elements, stretch the box from one side of the badge to the other. Participant names and company names can be lengthy, so it's crucial to consider their sizes, as they vary depending on the participants. Insufficient width may result in smaller and less legible text within the element.
To upload an image, simply click on Image. A rectangle with an upload image prompt will appear. Double-click on it to upload your desired image.
QR Code
Adding a QR code to a badge is a breeze. Click on QR Code and effortlessly drag and drop the item wherever you desire on the badge. This QR code can be utilized to check-in participants using the b2match entrance app.
Static text
Want to add your own text? Look no further than the Static text item. Click on it, and you can place the static text anywhere on the badge with drag and drop. Double-click to edit the text.
The Rectangle item allows you to introduce a background color rectangle. Resize it, change the color, and even utilize it as a text box by adding static text on top.
Customizing elements
Alongside adding elements, the badge editor boasts another remarkable feature-customization. For customizing elements, you can use the menu bar on the top of the badge editor.
Here's what it offers:
Color picker
Seamlessly change the color of text or rectangles. Take your pick from preselected colors, input HEX codes, or use the color slider for precise customization.
You can customize your text by selecting a different font. Select from six different fonts (Lato, Monserrat, Open Sans, Pacifico, Roboto, and Ubuntu) to infuse your badge with the perfect style.
Elevate your text with the emphasis options. Whether it's italic, regular, or bold, choose the style that best suits your design.
The case option allows you to opt for an all caps display or maintain a sentence case format to ensure visual consistency and harmony.
Align your text to the left, right, or center, creating a polished and professional look.
Send to background / foreground
Take control of layering elements. You can move an element in front or behind another element.
Rearranging elements
When you desire to reposition elements on the badge, simply click on the element you wish to relocate and drag it to your desired location. To assist with maintaining proportions and aligning elements, keep an eye out for the red line placer. This red line acts as a guide while moving elements within the editor, appearing both vertically and horizontally.
Double-sided badges
If you have opted for a double-sided badge, you will find the Front and Back options located above the menu bar. These options allow you to effortlessly switch between sides, granting you the freedom to edit each side.
Note: Copying and pasting badge elements is not currently supported. This means that if you want both the front and back sides of the badge to be identical, you will need to customize each side separately from scratch.
Once you have tailored the badge to your preferences, simply click on Save changes to preserve your modifications. In you are unsatisfied with the changes, you can click on Discard changes to revert back to the previous state.
If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.