Meetings: Settings

Understanding Meeting Settings

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the matchmaking settings available for your event, aimed at ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all participants.

How do I access Meeting settings?

First, click on Networking on the left sidebar of the Organizer's tool and select Configuration from the drop-down menu

Networking config drop-down

Then, click on Settings to access the Meeting settings page

Settings tab

Which meeting settings can I configure?

In the Meeting settings there are several options you can configure.

Meeting booking

Here you can enable the Meeting Booking option and specify the timeframe when participants can send out meeting requests, by defining the start and end dates and times. 

Meeting booking

Please find all further details and instructions for the set up in our article Enabling Meeting Booking.

Networking settings

Request mode allows you to choose how meeting requests are handled. You can choose between Approval and Automatic request mode.

The Approval request mode will allow participants to manually accept or decline meeting requests.

The Automatic request mode will automatically accept all meeting requests as they are sent, but they can be canceled at any time. 

Scheduling mode allows you to choose how meeting times and locations are scheduled during booking. You can choose between Participants and Organizers. 

The Participants scheduling mode allows participants to schedule their own meetings during the booking period. This is the recommended setting.

The Organizers scheduling mode allows you as the organizer to manually schedule participants' meetings and schedule them using the Scheduler feature. Meeting details are visible to participants after you publish the schedule. 

Networking settings

Please find further details and instructions about the Scheduler in our article Scheduling Actions.

Additionally, you can include meeting blocks in the Agenda, ensuring they appear alongside agenda sessions, and you can enable AI matchmaking recommendations. 

To enable these options, simply tick the corresponding checkbox

Our article Enabling AI Recommendations provides you with further details and instructions. 

Networking options

Meeting attendee limit

In the Meeting attendee limit section, you can specify how many participants can attend a single meeting. By default, the limit is set to 2, but you can increase it as needed.

To set a limit, simply enter the desired number in the Limit field

Note: Keep in mind that the limit is 8 participants in one meeting.

To find further information about the Request and Scheduling mode and the networking options, consult our article Scheduling and Request mode.

Meeting request expiration

The meeting request expiration setting allows you to define how long meeting requests remain open before they expire. If you do not specify the expiration, meeting requests will remain open until they are accepted or rejected. 

To set an expiration time, simply click the drop-down menu and choose from the following options: No expiration, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 10 days. 

Meeting attendee limit

Booking rules

Booking rules refer to guidelines that govern the meeting booking process. These rules determine which participant type your attendees can request a meeting with based on their own participant type. Our article Configuring Booking Rules explains the process of configuring them in detail. 

Meeting feedback

Here you can choose between three options for how participants can rate and leave comments after their meetings - No feedback, b2match meeting feedback (Default) or EEN meeting feedback.

Please find all further details and instructions in our article Setting Up Meeting Feedback.


Here you can enable and further configure messaging between participants. There are two options to choose from - open and restricted messaging. Our article Defining Conversations Settings will provide you with further details and instructions. 

Open Virtual Networking (OVN)

OVN enables participants to book longer, flexible meetings beyond the traditional meeting slots. To find out more about how OVN works and how to set it up, please refer to our article Setting Up Open Virtual Networking.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.